Saturday, November 29, 2008

Depending on God

I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge-even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you--so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Cor 1.3-9 (ESV)

As we try to walk this journey doing what is right and what is expected from us, we cannot however go to the other extreme and think that we can do everything through our own ability. For we have nothing good enough to boast. When I try to walk with my own ability and strength, sooner or later I realize I will not last.

Thank God through Christ that I am not left alone to suffer! It is God Himself who gives us strength to do what is right so that we may stand blameless in front of Christ on the Day of Judgment.

Therefore I depend on God to do what is right. It is by His grace that I walk.The fact that God is sustaining means we are to work together with Him doing what is right. We now have the strength.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Criteria for the Coming Kingdom

The more I read the parables of Jesus in Matthew 24 and 25, the more it challenges my perspective on salvation and eschatology. Though many will say we should not base our doctrine from parables because they give exaggerated picture, who decides that we should not take the message from parables into consideration when building our theology and doctrine? The parables of Jesus in Matthew 24 and 25 teach about what Jesus expects from us. As much as I want to believe that I have the assurance of a place in God’s presence in heaven, I don’t want to be naïve.

I am, being and will be saved only through Jesus and there is no compromise in that. But if I think that just because I believe Christ has died for me and do nothing about it, I’m the most foolish person. It’s like finding the door but not entering it. The parables in Matthew 24 & 25 challenges that unless our action shows what we believe, we stand as unfaithful servants in front of Christ on judgment day.

The criteria for the kingdom among many are these: The faithful slave- Matthew 24:45-51, the wise and prepared bridesmaids- Matthew 25.1-13, The slaves that brought profit with the Master’s entrusted property – Matthew 25. 14-30 and the “sheep” that did God’s will by caring for others- Matthew 25. 31.46.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What is your need?

pic from:

In helping a person to receive God’s love, we may misunderstand or ignorant of what their need is. While everyone from young to old needs God’s love and the assurance of a relationship with God through Christ, there are different level of expectations and needs that one may have. Erik Erikson’s theory of ‘psychosocial stages’ gives an idea on what people’s inner needs could be according to their age. It also shows what may happen if their need is not fulfilled.

Their Need vs Possible outcome if not fulfilled
  1. Basic trust vs Mistrust (Infant)
  2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (toddler)
  3. Initiative vs Guilt (preschool)
  4. Industry vs Inferiority (school)
  5. Identity vs Role confusion (Teenage)
  6. Intimacy vs Isolation (Young Adult)
  7. Generativity vs Stagnation (Mid-Adult)
  8. Integrity vs Despair (Late-Adult)

Helping people and reaching out to them makes more sense when we know what their needs could be. While a toddler explore with confident to try out new things by himself, he also needs guidance that would not hinder his need for autonomy. A teenager’s need for identity or a young adult’s need for intimacy needs no introduction. A grandmother’s need for appreciation for her wisdom or achievement and not regret about life should be considered when helping her. Bringing God’s love is made easier, when we really understand a person’s need and the Gospel is made more relevant this way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back to Reality

Pic from: Flickr uploaded by sharon-sparkles

Four years of living in a seminary can be deceiving. For a moment living in that protected world seems to be so real that I almost forget what real world is. Now I’m back and see things in new perspective. I see a person needs the Word of God and another in pain and needs comfort. I see one needs guidance and still another thinks he stands in the high peak of survival of the fittest and needs to lay down his burden. No matter where one stands, God is waiting to meet him there. I’m not just talking about Christians. Taking up the role of road sign pointing to the great Shepherd, I start by following Him myself. Somehow here in reality He seems much easier to be found. What is real, what really matters and who really walks with you is crystal clear for now. But the danger is falling into another vacuum that confuses me with what is real, what really matters and who really walks with you again. HoweverHis Word and prayer seem to help in the dilemma.